Stack up your defense using an assortment of objects. Scale objects up and down to that the scales are balanced.

The more weight you add to your argument, and the more balanced the scales are, the more points you score!

You can't take back your argument, so think carefully!

Don't let anything tumble over to avoid a lengthy prison sentence and get a new high score!

Made in 4 days for the GMTK 2024 Game Jam

Controls -

Mouse to click and move objects

Scroll Wheel/Up and Down arrow keys/W/S to Scale up and Down

A/D/Left and Right Arrow Keys to Rotate

Shift to Slow Rotation


bifrons - Programmer, Designer

OttotheTomato - Artist, Designer

Doloramen - Muscian, Sound Effects, Testing

MasterOfDragons - Artist, Testing

ViviTheQueen - Technical Support

YOU! - For Playing Our Game

SojanJanso - Cardboard Texture

tensaisaisai - Notebook Paper Texture

KAVOWO - Paper Wrapping Texture

Peggy_Marco - Wood Texture

Thomas G. Goss - Child's Play Font

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